
Do you have a specific question or request and you have not chosen from any package I am offering?

Maybe you will choose from any of these. If you do not choose from any of these you can buy a consultation or send me an email to martina@caringlegal.cz and we will agree on an individual package for you.

  • 1 hour consultation: CZK 3,630
    Do you have a question but buying a full package is not the right option for you? 
    Up to 1 hour of legal consultation.
  • Attorney escrow: CZK 11,900
    Contract on escrow, opening of bank account only for your transaction, notifications to all authorities, information to clients about all transactions on the ecrow account.

    If not part of your package for Buyer´s, meaning for those who only want escrow.
  • Personal assistance at meetings: CZK 7,900
    per meeting of duration up to 2 hours meeting

    We are ready to assist you at your meetings for signature of reservation contract, purchase contract, meeting in your bank. Do not hesitate to contact us if you wish this VIP service if it is not part of your package. This offer is valid for meetings in Prague only. For other locations fees will be agreed upon individually.